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Bloated? You can change up the way you eat to help

Hey I'm Coach Andrew from FIT4ALLFitness, Host of "The Hormone Helper Podcast" and i've helped over 3300 clients lose weight, balance their homrones, and get rid of bloating with chronic fatigue for the past 8 years. 

I spend about 2-3 hours daily talking with clients about bloat avoidance, to show them what they can do to start eliminating bloating! Now while sometimes even a good healthy gut will bloat, it is important to know what bloating is, what it is triggered by, as well as how we can “eat differently” then we did before to minimize whatever bloating we experience!

Stomach bloating was something that I experienced for about two whole years of my life when my hormones were out of whack, and I actually have a few pictures(below)that I took to show my doctor what would happen to the way I looked at the end of the day. Even as a guy, it pushed out my whole gut, and you'd swear that even I looked pregnant! 

Now while I wasn't the type of person to really care how I looked at that time, I DID care about how I felt, which was freaking terrible. Not only was it difficult for me to pass gas and painful, I also always felt like the next meal would just make my gut pop open. Which was never good, because i didn't want to eat in front of or with anybody. 

For me, my bloating happened gradually over the span of the day, and it built up regardless of what went into my gut. If it was a glass of water, BLOAT. If it was broccoli and chicken, BLOAT, or even something small like an apple . it would BLOAT! It was only as I started to study nutrition, that i understood two important things about bloating.

1) there are different types of bloating, so you have to know which one you have in order to deal with it 

2) that you can actually change the WAY that you eat, as well as the way that you COOK to make your food more digestible, so you can avoid bloating! 

SO here is what I want to share during this Master Class:

  • what bloating is, as well as how it shows up for you in your life
  • the two different types of bloating, and why they are caused
  • how digestion affects your body
  • what you can do to change how you eat, to minimize and help get rid of blaoting longterm
  • how to set your meal times and prep for the best energy and digestion so you are never hungry or have cravings 

This Master class will be held Virtually on Feburary 28th at 7:00pm EST! To Join, simply click the link above or Below to Register, and I will send you an email with the zoom link and the registery details. 

P.S this masterclass will not be accessible through a recording, meaning you must attend LIVE to hear the info and get the answers you need. 

Register here for the Master CLass