6 Tips to Help You Get Started On Your Health and Fitness Journey

Nov 28, 2018

 by Lorna Perozzo


“I’m confused, I don’t even know where to begin”

The hardest part of beginning a health and fitness journey is getting started.

It can be scary & confusing at first.

What muscle groups should I train?

How much protein do I need?

What do I eat before my workouts?

Should I do cardio everyday?

All of this information can get overwhelming, and if you’re like me you get frustrated so you end up pushing it off and saying that you will do it or start it later.

What ends up happening is time passes by and now you’ve gained an extra 10 lbs, you’re low on energy, you don’t wear that beautiful dress in your closet because it doesn’t fit anymore, you miss out on social gatherings because you’re embarrassed and self conscious and you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. The list can go on and on about all of the thoughts that consume your mind because you didn’t take the leap of faith to just DO IT.


So here is a friendly remember to just DO IT. Start NOW!

Here are 6 tips to help you get started on your helath and fitness journey:

  1. Write down your goal. Write it down and get SUPER clear on what it is what you want to achieve.
  2. Think positive thoughts. Stop saying I can’t eat healthy or I don’t have time. Instead say, I love eating healthy because it fuels my body and it provides me with energy. I make time for my workouts because they make me feel GREAT!
  3. Surround yourself with AMAZING people! Once you start surrounding yourself with like-minded successful people, YOU will automatically move in that direction. You will start to notice you make better choices, you speak differently, you act differently, and your results reflect that!
  4. Make a commitment and sign a contract. This is a form of commitment that will enable you to actually be consistent and follow through with a plan! It’s REAL!
  5. Invest in yourself! Money is the highest form of commitment. When you invest your money towards something, you are going to make sure you get your moneys worth. You WILL get results. The best thing I did for myself is hire health coaches and business coaches. It changed my life!