How to Get In A Workout In 10 Minutes

Dec 5, 2018

 by Lorna Perozzo

Here is how you can get in a short workout even if you only have 10 mins.


What you will need:

  • Your body
  • Running shoes
  • Water
  • Timer
  • Towel (optional)


Here is what you will do:

1. Do a quick warm up for 1-2mins. Its short because the workout is short!

Some examples:

-Light jog

-Jumping jacks

-Arm circles

-Leg Swings

-Inch worm

-Side to side lunges

-Hip openers


2. Choose 4 body weight exercises

Some examples:



-Jumping jacks

-Lying leg lifts (abs)

-High to low plank



-Mountain Climbers

-Floor Tricep Dips

-Side Plank


-Bicycle crunches


3. Complete each exercise for 30s, rest for 1-2mins and repeat 3.

4. Cool down & stretch for 1-2mins.

BOOM! A workout in less than 10 mins will have you feeling pumped up and ready for the rest of your day.

A time efficient workout means short rest periods. This is a GREAT way to get your heart rate up and burn a ton of calories in a small time period.

By performing HIIT intervals (high intensity interval training) and periods where you get your heart rate up (the 4 exercises) and then your heart rate back down (rest period), you are going to be burning more calories even AFTER you have worked out!