FASTLAUNCH your program in 60 days

Create, launch, and promote your program so you can work with more like minded clients, love making good reoccurring revenue, all while feeling fulfilled within your business!

Coaching is one of the most fulfilling things you can do for work, but it’s really hard to feel alive when you aren’t coaching a lot of people, and are always being worried about where the next client will come from.

 When it comes to haviing sustainability in buisness, I’ve come to see the same issues that most coaches struggle with.
- they don’t know how to create content that converts viewers/readers into clients
-they aren’t sure how to build a program that doesn’t take their one on one time(because that’s not scalable)
-they throw money at facebooks and insta ads because they don’t have an organic audience to get clients
- they focus on the wrong things like building perfect programs and landing pages, all while having NO ONE in those programs!
It’s crazy to me because In the last 8 years of business, my wife Lorna and I have built 2 successful online coaching companies, in two different markets.
These coaching companies have allowed us to:
-own our own home
-buy our first rental duplex
-travel multiple times a year(Japan and Costa Rica this year)
- generate 1 million dollars in sales
- work remotely from anywhere without being tied to client sessions and work overload
You could be travelling the world debt free, having time with your kids, waking up everyday feeling fired up to coach the amazing community you built! THIS is why I built FAST LAUNCH.
To help coaches create, launch, and promote their programs so they can work with clients they love, make good reoccurring revenue, all while feeling fulfilled within their business!

why should you FAST LAUNCH?

Simple! You want to put the pedal to the floor and fil your coaching containers as each and every day your dragging feet is making you more frustrated. You already have a program idea, but you spend so much time trying to make everything perfect! Your landing page, font types, and insta feed is not what needs to be worked on. Instead you should focus on the things that get people involved and signed up in your program.

What you need is an offer that people would wait in line for, content that engages and resonates with the right people to get them in that line, and a program incentive(VALUE STACK FUNNEL) so strong that people will throw money at you to be involved. 

This is the opportunity to set up your program and roll it out so you can start focusing on what makes you happy and feel fulfilled EVERY SINGLE DAY! 

This launch buildout takes only 60 days, and will cover the following:
- Build your Value stack funnel to attract warm clients ready to buy
- Design and craft your irresistible offer so good that clients won't say no on the call
- Create content that uses client speak that trains them, to buy and gets them fired up to work with you
- Marketing posts for your launch to drive interest-creation of lead nurture process and pre qualification forms to find the right people
- The Tech setup in your funnel system required for your offer, so your every lead will go through the same exact process EVERY TIME!
- The Value Draw Build, which will help new clients build trust faster to say yes to you as a coach
Oh yeah, and to prove this could be done, we took two BRAND new coaches, and did this process with them in 2 DAYS! See what Julie had to say below


Just think, in two months your program can be filled and running! Click the link to register